Source code for clld.lib.bibtex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functionality to handle bibligraphical data in the BibTeX format.

.. seealso::
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import codecs

from path import path
from zope.interface import Interface, implementer
from six import PY3

from clld.util import UnicodeMixin, DeclEnum
from clld.lib.bibutils import convert
from clld.lib import latex


if PY3:  # pragma: no cover
    unicode = str
    unichr = chr

UU_PATTERN = re.compile('\?\[\\\\u(?P<number>[0-9]{3,4})\]')

[docs]def u_unescape(s): """ Unencode Unicode escape sequences match all 3/4-digit sequences with unicode character replace all '?[\u....]' with corresponding unicode There are some decimal/octal mismatches in unicode encodings in bibtex >>> r = u_unescape(r'?[\u123] ?[\u1234]') """ new = [] e = 0 for m in UU_PATTERN.finditer(s): new.append(s[e:m.start()]) e = m.end() digits = hex(int('number')))[2:].rjust(4, '0') r = False try: r = (u'\\u' + digits).decode('unicode_escape') except (UnicodeDecodeError, TypeError): # pragma: no cover pass if r: new.append(r) else: new.append(s[m.start():m.end()]) # pragma: no cover new.append(s[e:len(s)]) return ''.join(new)
RE_XML_ILLEGAL = re.compile( u'([\u0000-\u0008\u000b-\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ufffe-\uffff])' + u'|' + u'([%s-%s][^%s-%s])|([^%s-%s][%s-%s])|([%s-%s]$)|(^[%s-%s])' % ( unichr(0xd800), unichr(0xdbff), unichr(0xdc00), unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800), unichr(0xdbff), unichr(0xdc00), unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800), unichr(0xdbff), unichr(0xdc00), unichr(0xdfff), ))
[docs]def stripctrlchars(string): """remove unicode invalid characters >>> stripctrlchars(u'a\u0008\u000ba') u'aa' """ try: return RE_XML_ILLEGAL.sub("", string) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover return string
SYMBOLS = { r'\plusminus{}': u'\xb1', r'\middot{}': u'\xb7', r'\textopeno{}': u"\u0254", r'\dh{}': u"\u00f0", r'\DH{}': u"\u00d0", r'\textthorn{}': u"\u00fe", r'\textless{}': u"<", r'\textgreater{}': u">", r'\circ{}': u"\u00b0", r'\textltailn{}': u"\u0272", r'\textlambda{}': u"\u03BB", r'\textepsilon{}': u'\u025b', r'\textquestiondown{}': u'\xbf', r'\textschwa{}': u'\u0259', r'\textsubdot{o}': u'\u1ecd', r'\textrhooktopd{}': u'\u0257', #r'\eurosign{}': u'\u20ac', r'\eurosign{}': u'\u2021', r'\textquestiondown': u'\xbf', r'\textquotedblleft': u'\u201c', r'\textquotedblright': u'\u201d', r'\textquoteleft': u'\u2018', r'\textquoteright': u'\u2019', r'\textsubdot{D}': u'\u1e0c', r'\textsubdot{E}': u'\u1eb8', r'\textsubdot{H}': u'\u1e24', r'\textsubdot{I}': u'\u1eca', r'\textsubdot{O}': u'\u1ecc', r'\textsubdot{T}': u'\u1e6c', r'\textsubdot{d}': u'\u1e0d', r'\textsubdot{b}': u'\u1e05', r'\textsubdot{e}': u'\u1eb9', r'\textsubdot{h}': u'\u1e25', r'\textsubdot{i}': u'\u1ecb', r'\textsubdot{n}': u'\u1e47', r'\textsubdot{r}': u'\u1e5b', r'\textsubdot{s}': u'\u1e63', r'\textsubdot{t}': u'\u1e6d', r'\ng{}': u'\u014b', r'\oslash{}': u'\u00f8', r'\Oslash{}': u'\u00d8', r'\textdoublebarpipe{}': u'\u01c2', #r'\dots': '', r'\Aa{}': u'\xc5', u'\\Aa{}Rsj\xd6': u'\xc5rsj\xf6', r'\guillemotleft': u'\xab', r'\guillemotleft{}': u'\xab', r'\guillemotright': u'\xbb', }
[docs]def unescape(string): """transform latex escape sequences of type \`\ae into unicode """ def _delatex(s): try: t = str(s) result = t.decode('latex+latin1') except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover result = string u_result = unicode(result) return u_result res = u_unescape(_delatex(stripctrlchars(unicode(string).strip()))) for symbol in sorted(SYMBOLS.keys(), key=lambda s: len(s)): res = res.replace(symbol, SYMBOLS[symbol]) if '\\' not in res: res = res.replace('{', '') res = res.replace('}', '') return res
[docs]class EntryType(DeclEnum): """ article An article from a journal or magazine. Required fields: author, title, journal, year Optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note, key book A book with an explicit publisher. Required fields: author/editor, title, publisher, year Optional fields: volume/number, series, address, edition, month, note, key booklet A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. Required fields: title Optional fields: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note, key conference The same as inproceedings, included for Scribe compatibility. inbook A part of a book, usually untitled. May be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages. Required fields: author/editor, title, chapter/pages, publisher, year Optional fields: volume/number, series, type, address, edition, month, note, key incollection A part of a book having its own title. Required fields: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note, key inproceedings An article in a conference proceedings. Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note, key manual Technical documentation. Required fields: title Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note, key mastersthesis A Master's thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year Optional fields: type, address, month, note, key misc For use when nothing else fits. Required fields: none Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note, key phdthesis A Ph.D. thesis. Required fields: author, title, school, year Optional fields: type, address, month, note, key proceedings The proceedings of a conference. Required fields: title, year Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, address, month, publisher, organization, note, key techreport A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series. Required fields: author, title, institution, year Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note, key unpublished A document having an author and title, but not formally published. Required fields: author, title, note Optional fields: month, year, key """ article = 'article', 'article' # Article book = 'book', 'book' # Book booklet = 'booklet', 'booklet' conference = 'conference', 'conference' # Conference inbook = 'inbook', 'inbook' # BookSection incollection = 'incollection', 'incollection' inproceedings = 'inproceedings', 'inproceedings' manual = 'manual', 'manual' # Manual mastersthesis = 'mastersthesis', 'mastersthesis' # Thesis misc = 'misc', 'misc' phdthesis = 'phdthesis', 'phdthesis' # Thesis proceedings = 'proceedings', 'proceedings' # Proceedings techreport = 'techreport', 'techreport' # Report unpublished = 'unpublished', 'unpublished' # Manuscript
FIELDS = [ 'address', # Publisher's address 'annote', # An annotation for annotated bibliography styles (not typical) 'author', # The name(s) of the author(s) (separated by and) 'booktitle', # The title of the book, if only part of it is being cited 'chapter', # The chapter number 'crossref', # The key of the cross-referenced entry 'edition', # The edition of a book, long form (such as "First" or "Second") 'editor', # The name(s) of the editor(s) 'eprint', # A specification of electronic publication, preprint or technical report 'howpublished', # How it was published, if the publishing method is nonstandard 'institution', # institution involved in the publishing,not necessarily the publisher 'journal', # The journal or magazine the work was published in 'key', # A hidden field used for specifying or overriding the orderalphabetical order 'month', # The month of publication (or, if unpublished, the month of creation) 'note', # Miscellaneous extra information 'number', # The "(issue) number" of a journal, magazine, or tech-report 'organization', # The conference sponsor 'pages', # Page numbers, separated either by commas or double-hyphens. 'publisher', # The publisher's name 'school', # The school where the thesis was written 'series', # The series of books the book was published in 'title', # The title of the work 'type', # The field overriding the default type of publication 'url', # The WWW address 'volume', # The volume of a journal or multi-volume book 'year', ] class _Convertable(UnicodeMixin): """Mixin adding a shortcut to clld.lib.bibutils.convert as method. """ def format(self, fmt): if fmt == 'txt': if hasattr(self, 'text'): return self.text() raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover if fmt == 'en': return convert(self.__unicode__(), 'bib', 'end') if fmt == 'ris': return convert(self.__unicode__(), 'bib', 'ris') if fmt == 'mods': return convert(self.__unicode__(), 'bib') return self.__unicode__() class IRecord(Interface): """marker """ @implementer(IRecord)
[docs]class Record(OrderedDict, _Convertable): """A BibTeX record is basically an ordered dict with two special properties - id and genre. To overcome the limitation of single values per field in BibTeX, we allow fields, i.e. values of the dict to be iterables of strings as well. Note that to support this use case comprehensively, various methods of retrieving values will behave differently. I.e. values will be - joined to a string in __getitem__, - retrievable as assigned with get (i.e. only use get if you know how a value was\ assigned), - retrievable as list with getall .. note:: Unknown genres are converted to "misc". >>> r = Record('article', '1', author=['a', 'b'], editor='a and b') >>> assert r['author'] == 'a and b' >>> assert r.get('author') == r.getall('author') >>> assert r['editor'] == r.get('editor') >>> assert r.getall('editor') == ['a', 'b'] """ def __init__(self, genre, id_, *args, **kw): if isinstance(genre, basestring): try: genre = EntryType.from_string(genre.lower()) except ValueError: genre = EntryType.misc self.genre = genre = id_ super(Record, self).__init__(args, **kw) @classmethod def from_object(cls, obj, **kw): data = dict() for field in FIELDS: value = getattr(obj, field, None) if value: data[field] = value data.update(kw) data.setdefault('title', obj.description) rec = cls(obj.bibtex_type, for key in sorted(data.keys()): rec[key] = data[key] return rec @classmethod def from_string(cls, bibtexString, lowercase=False): id_, genre, data = None, None, {} # the following patterns are designed to match preprocessed input lines. # i.e. the configuration values given in the bibtool resource file used to # generate the bib-file have to correspond to these patterns. # in particular, we assume all key-value-pairs to fit on one line, # because we don't want to deal with nested curly braces! lines = bibtexString.strip().split('\n') # genre and key are parsed from the @-line: atLine = re.compile("^@(?P<genre>[a-zA-Z_]+)\s*{\s*(?P<key>[^,]*)\s*,\s*") # since all key-value pairs fit on one line, it's easy to determine the # end of the value: right before the last closing brace! fieldLine = re.compile('\s*(?P<field>[a-zA-Z_]+)\s*=\s*(\{|")(?P<value>.+)') endLine = re.compile("}\s*") # flag to signal, whether the @-line - starting each bibtex record - was # already encountered: inRecord = False while lines: line = lines.pop(0) if not inRecord: m = atLine.match(line) if m: id_ ='key').strip() genre ='genre').strip().lower() inRecord = True else: m = fieldLine.match(line) if m: value ='value').strip() if value.endswith(','): value = value[:-1].strip() if value.endswith('}') or value.endswith('"'): field ='field') if lowercase: field = field.lower() data[field] = value[:-1].strip() else: m = endLine.match(line) if m: break # Note: fields with names not matching the expected pattern are simply # ignored. return cls(genre, id_, **data) @staticmethod def sep(key): return ' and ' if key in ['author', 'editor'] else '; '
[docs] def getall(self, key): """ :return: list of strings representing the values of the record for field 'key'. """ res = self.get(key, []) if isinstance(res, basestring): res = res.split(Record.sep(key)) return filter(None, res)
def __getitem__(self, key): """ :return: string representing the concatenation of the values for field 'key'. """ value = OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, key) if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = [value] return Record.sep(key).join(filter(None, value)) def __unicode__(self): """ :return: string encoding the record in BibTeX syntax. """ fields = [] m = max([0] + list(map(len, self.keys()))) for k in self.keys(): fields.append(" %s = {%s}," % (k.ljust(m), self[k])) return """@%s{%s, %s } """ % (getattr(self.genre, 'value', self.genre),, "\n".join(fields)[:-1])
[docs] def text(self): """linearize the bib record according to the rules of the unified style Book: author. year. booktitle. (series, volume.) address: publisher. Article: author. year. title. journal volume(issue). pages. Incollection: author. year. title. In editor (ed.), booktitle, pages. address: publisher. .. seealso::\ unified-style-linguistics.csl """ genre = getattr(self.genre, 'value', self.genre) if self.get('editor'): editors = self['editor'] affix = 'eds' if ' and ' in editors or '&' in editors else 'ed' editors = " %s (%s.)" % (editors, affix) else: editors = None res = [self.get('author', editors), self.get('year', 'n.d')] if genre == 'book': res.append(self.get('booktitle') or self.get('title')) res.append(', '.join(filter(None, [self.get('series'), self.get('volume')]))) elif genre == 'misc': # in case of misc records, we use the note field in case a title is missing. res.append(self.get('title') or self.get('note')) else: res.append(self.get('title')) if genre == 'article': atom = ' '.join(filter(None, [self.get('journal'), self.get('volume')])) if self.get('issue'): atom += '(%s)' % self['issue'] res.append(atom) res.append(self.get('pages')) elif genre == 'incollection': prefix = 'In' atom = '' if editors: atom += editors if self.get('booktitle'): if atom: atom += ',' atom += " %s" % self['booktitle'] if self.get('pages'): atom += ", %s" % self['pages'] res.append(prefix + atom) else: # check for author to make sure we haven't included the editors yet. if editors and self.get('author'): res.append("In %s" % editors) for attr in ['school', 'journal', 'volume']: if self.get(attr): res.append(self.get(attr)) if self.get('issue'): res.append("(%s)" % self['issue']) if self.get('pages'): res.append(self['pages']) if self.get('publisher'): res.append(": ".join(filter(None, [self.get('address'), self['publisher']]))) note = self.get('note') if note and note not in res: res.append('(%s)' % note) return ' '.join( map(lambda a: a + ('' if a.endswith('.') else '.'), filter(None, res)))
class IDatabase(Interface): """marker """ @implementer(IDatabase)
[docs]class Database(_Convertable): """ a class to handle bibtex databases, i.e. a container class for Record instances. """ def __init__(self, records): self.records = filter(lambda r: r.genre and, records) self._keymap = None def __unicode__(self): return '\n'.join(r.__unicode__() for r in self.records) @property
[docs] def keymap(self): """map bibtex record ids to list index """ if self._keymap is None: self._keymap = dict((, i) for i, r in enumerate(self.records)) return self._keymap
[docs] def from_file(cls, bibFile, encoding='utf8', lowercase=False): """ a bibtex database defined by a bib-file @param bibFile: path of the bibtex-database-file to be read. """ if path(bibFile).exists(): with, encoding=encoding) as fp: content = else: content = '' return cls([Record.from_string('@' + r, lowercase=lowercase) for r in content.split('@')[1:]])
def __len__(self): return len(self.records) def __getitem__(self, key): """to access bib records by index or citation key""" return self.records[key if isinstance(key, int) else self.keymap[key]] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.records)