Customizing a CLLD app

Extending or customizing the default behaviour of a CLLD app is basically what pyramid calls configuration. So, since the clld_app scaffold is somewhat tuned towards imperative configuration, this means calling methods on the config object returned by the call to in the apps main function. Since the config object is an instance of the pyramid Configurator this includes all the standard ways to configure pyramid apps, in particular adding routes and views to provide additional pages and funtionality with an app.


Most text displayed on the HTML pages of the default app can be customized using a technique commonly called localization. I.e. the default is set up in an “internationalized” way, which can be “localized” by providing alternative “translations”.

These translations are provided in form of a PO file which can be edited by hand or with tools such as Poedit.

The workflow to create alternative translations for core terms of a CLLD app is as follows:

  1. Look up the terms available for translation in clld/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/clld.po. If the term you want to translate is found, go on. Otherwise file an issue at

  2. Initialize a localized catalog for your app running:

    python init_catalog -l en
  3. When installing clld tools have been installed to extract terms from python code files. To make the term available for extraction, include code like below in myapp.

# _ is a recognized name for a function to mark translatable strings
_ = lambda s: s
_('term you wish to translate')
  1. Extract terms from your code and update the local myapp/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/clld.po:

    python extract_messages
    python update_catalog
  2. Add a translation by editing myapp/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/clld.po.

  3. Compile the catalog:

    python compile_catalog

If you restart your app you should see your translation at places where previously the core term appeared. Whenever you want to add translations, you have to go through steps 3–6 above.

Static Pages

TODO: reserved route names, ...


The default CLLD app comes with a set of Mako templates (in clld/web/templates) which control the rendering of HTML pages. Each of these can be overridden locally by providing a template file with the same path (relative to the templates directory); i.e. to override clld/web/templates/language/detail_html.mako – the template rendered for the details page of languages (see Templates) – you’d have to provide a file myapp/templates/language/detail_html.mako.

Static assets

CLLD Apps may provide custom css and js code. If this code is placed in the default locations myapp/static/project.[css|js], it will automatically be packaged for production. Note that in this case the code should not contain any URLs relative to the file, because these may break in production.

Additionally, you may provide the logo of the publisher of the dataser as a PNG image. If this file is located at myapp/static/publisher_logo.png it will be picked up automatically by the default application footer template.

Other static content can still be placed in the myapp/static directory but must be explicitely included on pages making use of it, e.g. with template code like:

<link href="${request.static_url('myapp:static/css/introjs.min.css')}" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="${request.static_url('myapp:static/js/intro.min.js')}"></script>


A main building block of CLLD apps are dynamic data tables. Although there are default implementations which may be good enough in many cases, each data table can be fully customized as follows.

1. Define a customized datatable class in myapp/ inheriting from either clld.web.datatables.base.DataTable or one of its subclasses in clld.web.datatables.

2. Register this datatable for the page you want to display it on by adding a line like the following to the function myapp.datatables.includeme:

config.register_datatable('routename', DataTableClassName)

The register_datatable method of the config object has the following signature:

register_datatable(route_name, cls)

Customize column definitions

Overwrite clld.web.datatables.base.DataTable.col_defs().

Data model

The core clld data model can be extended for CLLD apps by defining additional mappings in myapp.models in two ways:

1. Additional mappings (thus additional database tables) deriving from clld.db.meta.Base can be defined.


While deriving from clld.db.meta.Base may add some columns to your table which you don’t actually need (e.g. created, ...), it is still important to do so, to ensure custom objects behave the same as core ones.

2. Customizations of core models can be defined using joined table inheritance:

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, ForeignKey
from zope.interface import implementer
from clld.interfaces import IContribution
from clld.db.meta import CustomModelMixin
from clld.db.models.common import Contribution

class Chapter(Contribution, CustomModelMixin):
    """Contributions in WALS are chapters chapters. These comprise a set of features with
    corresponding values and a descriptive text.
    pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
    # add more Columns and relationships here


Inheriting from clld.db.meta.CustomModelMixin takes care of half of the boilerplate code necessary to make inheritance work. The primary key still has to be defined “by hand”.

To give an example, here’s how one could model the many-to-many relation between words and meanings often encountered in lexical databases:

from clld import interfaces
from clld.db.models import common
from clld.db.meta import CustomModelMixin

class Meaning(common.Parameter, CustomModelMixin):
    pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)

class SynSet(common.ValueSet, CustomModelMixin):
    pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)

class Word(common.Unit, CustomModelMixin):
    pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)

class Counterpart(common.Value, CustomModelMixin):
    """a counterpart relates a meaning with a word
    pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)

    word_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    word = relationship(Word, backref='counterparts')

The definitions of Meaning, Synset and Word above are not strictly necessary (because they do not add any relations or columns to the base classes) and are only added to make the semantics of the model clear.

Now if we have an instance of Word, we can iterate over its meanings like this

for counterpart in word.counterparts:

A more involved example for the case of tree-structured data is given in Handling Trees.

Adding a resource

You may also want to add new resources in your app, i.e. objects that behave like builtin resources in that routes get automatically registered and view and template lookup works as explained in Requesting a resource. An example for this technique are the families in e.g. WALS.

The steps required to add a custom resource are:

  1. Define an interface for the resource in myapp/
from zope.interface import Interface

class IFamily(Interface):
  1. Define a model in myapp/
class Family(Base, common.IdNameDescriptionMixin):
  1. Register the resource in myapp.main:
config.register_resource('family', Family, IFamily)
  1. Create templates for HTML views, e.g. myapp/templates/family/detail_html.mako,
  2. and register these:
from clld.web.adapters.base import adapter_factory
config.register_adapter(adapter_factory('family/detail_html.mako'), IFamily)

Custom maps

The appearance of maps in clld apps depends on two factors which can be tweaked for customization: the code that renders the map and the GeoJSON data which is passed to this code.

GeoJSON adapters

GeoJSON in clld is just another type of representation of a resource, thus it is created by a suitable adapter, usually derived from clld.web.adapters.geojson.GeoJSON.

Map classes

Maps in clld are implemented as subclasses of clld.web.maps.Map. These classes tie together behavior implemented in javascript (based on leaflet) with Python code used to assemble the map data, options and legends.

Custom URLs

When an established database is ported to CLLD it may be necessary to support legacy URLs for its resources (as was the case for WALS). This can be achieved by passing a route_patterns dict, mapping route names to custom patterns, in the settings to like in the following example from WALS:

def main(global_config, **settings):
    settings['route_patterns'] = {
        'languages': '/languoid',
        'language': '/languoid/lect/wals_code_{id:[^/\.]+}',
    config = get_configurator('wals3', **dict(settings=settings))



Misc Utilities

  • IMapMarker
  • ILinkAttrs
  • ICtxFactoryQuery