Source code for clld.web.maps

"""Functionality to configure leaflet maps from python."""
import functools

from clld.interfaces import IDataTable, IMapMarker, IIcon
from clld.web.util import helpers
from clld.web.util.htmllib import HTML
from clld.web.util.component import Component
from clld.web.adapters.geojson import GeoJson, GeoJsonCombinationDomainElement, get_lonlat

[docs]class Layer(object): """Represents a layer in a leaflet map. A layer in our terminology is a `FeatureCollection <>`_ in geojson and a `geoJson layer <>`_ in leaflet, i.e. a bunch of points on the map. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id_, name, data, **kw): """Initialize a layer object. :param id_: Map-wide unique string identifying the layer. :param name: Human readable name of the layer. :param data: A GeoJSON FeatureCollection either specified as corresponding Python\ dict or as URL which will serve the appropriate GeoJSON. :param kw: Additional keyword parameters are made available to the Layer as \ instance attributes. """ = id_ = name = data self.addToLayersControl = False for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
class Legend(object): """Represents a navpill with a dropdown above a map.""" def __init__(self, map_, name, items, label=None, stay_open=False, item_attrs=None, pull_right=False): = map_ = name self.label = label or name.capitalize() self.items = items self.stay_open = stay_open self.item_attrs = item_attrs or {} self.pull_right = pull_right def format_id(self, suffix=None): suffix = suffix or '' if suffix: suffix = '-' + suffix return 'legend-%s%s' % (, suffix) def render_item(self, item): if not isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): item = [item] attrs = self.item_attrs if self.stay_open: class_ = attrs.get('class', attrs.get('class_', '')) attrs['class'] = class_ + ' stay-open' return*item, **attrs) def render(self): a_attrs = { 'class': 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle': "dropdown", 'href': "#", 'id': self.format_id('opener')} ul_class = 'dropdown-menu' if self.stay_open: ul_class += ' stay-open' return HTML.a(self.label, HTML.b(class_='caret'), **a_attrs), HTML.ul( *map(self.render_item, self.items), **dict(class_=ul_class, id=self.format_id('container'))), class_='dropdown' + (' pull-right' if self.pull_right else ''), id=self.format_id(), ) class FilterLegend(Legend): """Legend with actionable items. Legend rendering radio controls to filter languages on a map in sync with a column of an associated DataTable. """ def __init__(self, map_, value_getter, col=None, dt=None, **kw): """Initialize. @param value_getter: Name of a javascript object which will be called with the \ properties associated with a map marker to determine its filter value. """ kw.setdefault('stay_open', True) if col and dt: col = { c for c in dt.cols}.get(col) if col: kw.setdefault('label', col.js_args.get('sTitle')) Legend.__init__(self, map_, if col else 'nocol', [], **kw) self.jsname = 'fl-' + items = [, '--any--', value_getter, checked=True)] for item in getattr(col, 'choices', []): items.append(, item, value_getter)) self.items = items def li_label(self, item): return item[1] if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) else item def li(self, col, item, value_getter, checked=False): input_attrs = dict( type='radio', class_='stay-open %s inline' % self.jsname, name=self.jsname, value=item[0] if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) else item, onclick=helpers.JS("CLLD.mapLegendFilter")(,, self.jsname, helpers.JS(value_getter), col.dt.eid if col else None)) if checked: input_attrs['checked'] = 'checked' return HTML.label( HTML.input(**input_attrs), ' ', self.li_label(item), class_="stay-open", style="margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px;", )
[docs]class Map(Component): """ Represents the configuration for a leaflet map. Map options to be specified as items returned in `get_options`: - info_route: Name of the route to request info window content ['language_alt'] - info_query: Query parameters to pass when requesting info window content [{}] - overlays: list of dicts(name=, url=, options=), specifying tileOverlays [[]] - exclude_from_zoom: list of layer names to exclude when zooming to extent [[]] - base_layer: Name of base layer to use. - no_popup: Flag to opt out of info window popups [False] - no_link: Flag to opt out of turning markers into links [False] - icons: Name of icons style as defined in `CLLD.MapIcons` ['base'] - icon_size: initial size of map markers in pixels [20] - sidebar: Flag indicating whether the map is rendered in the sidebar [False] - zoom: Integer specifying the initial zoom factor of the map [None] - max_zoom: Integer specfying the maximal zoom factor allowed for a map [6] - center: (latitutde, longitude) pair specifying the center of the map [None] - hash: Flag indicating whether map center coords should be added to the URL [False] - tile_layer: dict(url_pattern=, options=), specifying an alternative base layer [None] - add_layers_to_control: Flag indicating whether map layers should be added to the \ layers control as overlays [False] - show_labels: Flag indicating whether labels/tooltips should be initially open [False] - on_init: function to run at the end of map initialization [None] - resize_direction: 'e', 's' or 'se', make map resizeable. see - with_audioplayer: Flag indicating whether to add an AudioPlayer control on the map. """ __template__ = 'clld:web/templates/map.mako'
[docs] def __init__(self, ctx, req, eid='map'): """Initialize. :param ctx: context object of the current request. :param req: current pyramid request object. :param eid: Page-unique DOM-node ID. """ self.req = req self.ctx = ctx self.eid = eid self.map_marker = req.registry.getUtility(IMapMarker)
[docs] def get_options_from_req(self): params = self.req.params res = {} try: if 'lat' in params and 'lng' in params: res['center'] = list(map(float, [params['lat'], params['lng']])) if 'z' in params: res['zoom'] = int(params['z']) if 'iconsize' in params: res['icon_size'] = int(params['iconsize']) if 'labels' in params: res['show_labels'] = params['labels'] == '1' except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return res
[docs] def get_default_options(self): return {'resize_direction': 's'}
@functools.cached_property def layers(self): """The list of layers of the map. .. note:: Since layers may be costly to compute, we cache them per map instance. :return: list of :py:class:`clld.web.maps.Layer` instances. """ return list(self.get_layers())
[docs] def get_layers(self): """Generate the list of layers. :return: list or generator of :py:class:`clld.web.maps.Layer` instances. """ route_params = {'ext': 'geojson'} if not IDataTable.providedBy(self.ctx): route_params['id'] = route_name = if not route_name.endswith('_alt'): route_name += '_alt' yield Layer( getattr(self.ctx, 'id', 'id'), '%s' % self.ctx, self.req.route_url(route_name, **route_params))
@functools.cached_property def legends(self): return list(self.get_legends()) def get_legends(self): if len(self.layers) > 1: items = [] total = 0 repr_attrs = dict(class_='pull-right stay-open', style="padding-right: 10px;") for layer in self.layers: representation = '' if hasattr(layer, 'representation'): total += layer.representation representation = HTML.span(str(layer.representation), **repr_attrs) items.append([ HTML.label( HTML.input( class_="stay-open", type="checkbox", checked="checked", onclick=helpers.JS_CLLD.mapToggleLayer( self.eid,, helpers.JS("this"))), getattr(layer, 'marker', ''),, class_="checkbox inline stay-open", style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;", ), representation, ]) if total: items.append(HTML.span(HTML.b(str(total)), **repr_attrs)) yield Legend( self, 'layers', items, label='Legend', stay_open=True, item_attrs=dict(style='clear: right')) items = [] iconsize = self.options.get('icon_size', 30) for size in [15, 20, 30, 40]: attrs = dict(name="iconsize", value=str(size), type="radio") if size == iconsize: attrs['checked'] = 'checked' items.append(HTML.label( HTML.input(onclick=helpers.JS_CLLD.mapResizeIcons(self.eid), **attrs), HTML.img( height=str(size), width=str(size), src=self.req.registry.getUtility(IIcon, 'cff6600').url(self.req)), class_="radio", style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;")) yield Legend( self, 'iconsize', items, label=self.req.translate('Icon size')) def item(layer): return HTML.a(, onclick='return %s;' % helpers.JS_CLLD.mapShowGeojson(self.eid,, if isinstance(, str) else '#') yield Legend( self, 'geojson', map(item, self.layers), label='GeoJSON', pull_right=True)
class ParameterMap(Map): """Map displaying markers for valuesets associated with a parameter instance.""" def get_layers(self): if self.ctx.domain: for de in self.ctx.domain: yield Layer(,, self.req.resource_url( self.ctx, ext='geojson', _query=dict(domainelement=str(, **self.req.query_params) ), marker=helpers.map_marker_img(self.req, de, marker=self.map_marker)) else: yield Layer(,, self.req.resource_url(self.ctx, ext='geojson')) def get_default_options(self): return { 'resize_direction': 's', 'info_query': {'parameter':}, 'hash': True} class GeoJsonMultiple(GeoJson): """Render a collection of languages as geojson feature collection.""" def feature_iterator(self, ctx, req): return ctx def feature_properties(self, ctx, req, language): return { 'icon': req.registry.getUtility(IIcon, 'tff0000').url(req), 'icon_size': 10, 'zindex': 1000} class CombinationMap(Map): """Map for a combination of parameters.""" def get_layers(self): for de in self.ctx.domain: if de.languages: yield Layer(,, GeoJsonCombinationDomainElement(de).render(de, self.req, dump=False), marker=HTML.img(src=de.icon.url(self.req), height='20', width='20')) if self.ctx.multiple: # yield another layer which can be used to mark languages with multiple # values, because this may not be visible when markers are stacked on top # of each other. icon_url = self.req.registry.getUtility(IIcon, 'tff0000').url(self.req) yield Layer( '__multiple__', 'Languages with multiple values', GeoJsonMultiple(None).render(self.ctx.multiple, self.req, dump=False), marker=HTML.img(src=icon_url, height='20', width='20')) def get_options(self): return {'icon_size': 25, 'hash': True} class LanguageMap(Map): """Map showing a single language.""" def get_layers(self): yield Layer(,, GeoJson(self.ctx).render(self.ctx, self.req, dump=False)) def get_default_options(self): return { 'center': list(reversed(get_lonlat(self.ctx) or [0, 0])), 'zoom': 3, 'no_popup': True, 'no_link': True, 'sidebar': True} class GeoJsonSelectedLanguages(GeoJson): """Represents the geo-data of an iterable selection of languages. The iterable is assumed to be passed into the adapter upon initialization. """ def feature_iterator(self, ctx, req): return self.obj class SelectedLanguagesMap(Map): """Map showing an arbitrary selection of languages.""" def __init__(self, ctx, req, languages, geojson_impl=None, **kw): """Initialize. :param languages: Iterable collection of languages. :param geojson_impl: GeoJson implementation to use. """ self.geojson_impl = geojson_impl or GeoJsonSelectedLanguages self.languages = languages Map.__init__(self, ctx, req, **kw) def get_options(self): return {'icon_size': 20, 'hash': True, 'show_labels': len(self.languages) < 100} def get_layers(self): yield Layer( 'languages', 'Languages', self.geojson_impl(self.languages).render(self.ctx, self.req, dump=False))