Source code for clld.db.models.source

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Unicode, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from zope.interface import implementer

from clld.db.meta import Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin
from clld import interfaces
from clld.lib import bibtex
from clld.lib import coins
from clld.web.util.htmllib import HTML

from . import (
    DataMixin, HasDataMixin, FilesMixin, HasFilesMixin,
    Language, LanguageSource)

__all__ = ('Source', 'HasSourceMixin', 'HasSourceNotNullMixin')

class Source_data(Base, DataMixin):

class Source_files(Base, FilesMixin):

[docs]@implementer(interfaces.ISource) class Source(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """A bibliographic record, cited as source for some statement.""" glottolog_id = Column(String) google_book_search_id = Column(String) # # BibTeX fields: # bibtex_type = Column(bibtex.EntryType.db_type()) author = Column(Unicode) year = Column(Unicode) title = Column(Unicode) type = Column(Unicode) booktitle = Column(Unicode) editor = Column(Unicode) pages = Column(Unicode) edition = Column(Unicode) journal = Column(Unicode) school = Column(Unicode) address = Column(Unicode) url = Column(Unicode) note = Column(Unicode) number = Column(Unicode) series = Column(Unicode) volume = Column(Unicode) publisher = Column(Unicode) organization = Column(Unicode) chapter = Column(Unicode) howpublished = Column(Unicode) # typed information we might want to use for searching or sorting: year_int = Column(Integer) startpage_int = Column(Integer) pages_int = Column(Integer) languages = relationship( Language, backref='sources', secondary=LanguageSource.__table__) @property def gbs_identifier(self): if not self.jsondata.get('gbs'): return if not self.jsondata['gbs']['volumeInfo'].get('industryIdentifiers'): return id_ = None for identifier in self.jsondata['gbs']['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers']: # prefer ISBN_13 over ISBN_10 over anything else if identifier['type'] == 'ISBN_13': id_ = 'ISBN:' + identifier['identifier'] if identifier['type'] == 'ISBN_10' and not id_: id_ = 'ISBN:' + identifier['identifier'] if not id_: # grab the last one in the list (most probably the only one!) id_ = identifier['identifier'] return id_ def __bibtex__(self): return {} def bibtex(self, exclude={'gbs', 'glottolog_ref_id'}): kw = {k: v for k, v in self.jsondata.items() if k not in exclude} kw.update(self.__bibtex__()) return bibtex.Record.from_object(self, **kw) def coins(self, req): return HTML.span( ' ', **coins.ContextObject.from_bibtex(, self.bibtex()).span_attrs() )
# # Several objects can be linked to sources, i.e. they can have references. # class HasSourceMixin(object): key = Column(Unicode) # the citation key, specific (and unique) within a contribution description = Column(Unicode) # e.g. page numbers. @declared_attr def source_pk(cls): # pragma: no cover return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) @declared_attr def source(cls): # pragma: no cover return relationship(Source, backref=cls.__name__.lower() + 's') class HasSourceNotNullMixin(HasSourceMixin): @declared_attr def source_pk(cls): return Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) @declared_attr def source(cls): return relationship(Source, innerjoin=True, backref=cls.__name__.lower() + 's')