Tools for CLLD apps

Archiving with ZENODO

The clld.scripts.freeze module provides support for archiving an app and its dataset with ZENODO.

Complete archiving workflow.

  1. run freeze_func to create a database dump as zip archive of csv files
  2. commit and push the dump to the repos
  3. run create_release_func to create a release of the repos (thereby triggering the zenodo hook)
  4. lookup DOI created by zenodo
  5. run update_zenodo_metadata_func to update the associated metadata at ZENODO.

unfreeze_func can be used to recreate an app’s database from a frozen set of csv files. and LLOD

The clld.scripts.llod module provides support for creating a full RDF dump of the dataset and registration of the dataset with (and the LLOD).

Internet Archive

The clld.scripts.internetarchive module provides support for enriching resources of type Source with metadata from the Internet Archive, thus enabling easy linking to full texts.