.. _sec-resource: Resources ========= Resources are a central concept in ``clld``. While we may use the term resource also for single instances, more generally a resource is a type of data implementing an interface to which behaviour can be attached. The default resources known in a ``clld`` app are listed in ``clld.RESOURCES``, but it is possible to extend this list when configuring a custom app (see :ref:`sec-extending-resource`). Resources have the following attributes: name a string naming the resource. interface class specifying the interface the resource implements. model core model class for the resource. Behaviour may be tied to a resource either via the ``name`` (as is the case for :ref:`sec-resource-routes`) or via the ``interface`` (as is the case for :ref:`sec-resource-adapters`). .. _sec-resource-models: Models ------ Each resource is associated with a db model class and optionally with a custom db model derived from the default one using joined table inheritance. .. _sec-resource-adapters: Adapters -------- Adapters are basically used to provide representations of a resource. Thus, if we want to provide the classification tree of a Glottolog languoid in newick format, we have to write and register an adapter. This kind of adapter is generally implemented as subclass of :py:class:`clld.web.adapters.base.Representation` or :py:class:`clld.web.adapters.base.Index`. For the builtin resources a couple of adapters are registered by default: - a template-based adapter to render the details page, - a JSON representation of the resource (based on :py:class:`clld.web.adapters.base.JSON`). - a CSV representation of a resource index (:py:class:`clld.web.adapters.csv.CsvAdapter`). .. _sec-resource-routes: Routes ------ The ``clld`` framework uses `URL dispatch `_ to map default views to URLs for resources. For each resource the following routes and views (and URLs) are registered by default: - an index view for the route ``s`` and the URL ``/s``, - an alternative index view for the route ``s_alt`` and the URL pattern ``/s.{ext}``, - a details view for the route ```` and the URL pattern ``/s/{id}``, - an alternative details view for the route ``_alt`` and the URL ``/s/{id}.{ext}``. .. _sec-resource-views: Views ----- We distinguish two classes of views for resources: - index views, implemented in :py:func:`clld.web.views.index_view`, serve rendered adapters registered for the interface ``IIndex`` and a particular resource. They typically require a corresponding ``DataTable`` subclass to be instantiated as context object when the view is executed. - detail views, implemented in :py:func:`clld.web.views.detail_view`, serve rendered adapters registered for the interface ``IRepresentation`` and a particular resource. The resource instance with the ``id`` passed in the request will be fetched from the database as context object of the view. .. _sec-resource-templates: Templates --------- The adapters associated with resources may use templates to render the response. In particular this is the case for the HTML index and detail view. Providing custom data for a reources details template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since the view rendering a resources details representations is implemented in clld core code, clld applications may need a way to provide additional context for the templates. This can be done by implementing an appropriately named function in the app.util which will be looked up and called in a BeforeRender event subscriber. .. _sec-resource-request: Requesting a resource --------------------- The flow of events when a resource is requested from a ``clld`` app is as follows (we don't give a complete rundown but only highlight the deviations from the general `pyramid request processing `_ flow): 1. When a route for a resource matches, the corresponding factory function is called to obtain the context of the request. For index routes this context object is an instance of a DataTable, for a details route this is an instance of the resource's model class (or a custom specialization of this model). 2. For index routes :py:func:`clld.web.views.index_view` is called, for details routes :py:func:`clld.web.views.resource_view`. 3. Both of these look up the appropriate adapter registered for the context, instantiate it and call its ``render_to_response`` method. The result of this call is returned as ``Response``. 4. If this method uses a `standard template renderer `_ the listener for the ``BeforeRender`` event will look for a function in ``myapp.util`` with a name of ``_``, e.g. ``dataset_detail_html`` for the template ``templates/dataset/detail_html.mako``. If such a function exists, it will be called with the current template variables as keyword parameters. The return value of the function is expected to be a dictionary which will be used to update the template variables.