Source code for clld.web.datatables.base

This module provides base classes to compose DataTables.

I.e. objects which have a double
nature: On the client they provide the information to instantiate a jquery DataTables
object. Server side they know how to provide the data to the client-side table.
import re

from sqlalchemy.orm import undefer
from sqlalchemy.types import String, Unicode, Float, Integer, Boolean
from zope.interface import implementer, implementedBy
from clldutils.misc import cached_property, nfilter

from clld.db.meta import DBSession
from clld.db.util import icontains, as_int
from clld.web.util.htmllib import HTML
from clld.web.util.helpers import (
    link, button, icon, JS_CLLD, external_link, linked_references, JSDataTable,
from clld.web.util.downloadwidget import DownloadWidget
from clld.web.util.component import Component
from clld.interfaces import IDataTable, IIndex

OPERATOR_PATTERN = re.compile('\s*(?P<op>\>\=?|\<\=?|\=\=?)\s*')

def filter_number(col, qs, type_=None, qs_weight=1):
    """Extended filter operators for numbers.

    :param col: an sqlalchemy column instance.
    :param qs: a string, providing a filter criterion.
    :return: sqlalchemy filter expression.
    if '..' in qs:
        min_, max_ = qs.split('..', 1)
        return (
            filter_number(col, '>=' + min_, type_=type_, qs_weight=qs_weight),
            filter_number(col, '<=' + max_, type_=type_, qs_weight=qs_weight))
    op = col.__eq__
    match = OPERATOR_PATTERN.match(qs)
    if match:
        op = {
            '>': col.__gt__,
            '>=': col.__ge__,
            '=': col.__eq__,
            '==': col.__eq__,
            '<': col.__lt__,
            '<=': col.__le__,
        }.get('op'), col.__eq__)
        qs = qs[match.end():]
        if type_:
            qs = type_(qs.strip())
            if isinstance([0].type, Float):
                qs = float(qs.strip()) * qs_weight
            if isinstance([0].type, Integer):
                qs = int(qs.strip()) * qs_weight
        return op(qs)
    except ValueError:  # pragma: no cover
        # if we cannot form a proper filter argument, we return None

[docs]class Col(object): """DataTables are basically a list of column specifications. A column in a DataTable typically corresponds to a column of an sqlalchemy model. This column can either be supplied directly via a model_col keyword argument, or we try to look it up as attribute with name "name" on self.dt.model. """ dt_name_pattern = re.compile('[a-z]+[A-Z]+[a-z]+') # convenient way to provide defaults for some kw arguments of __init__: __kw__ = {} def __init__(self, dt, name, get_object=None, model_col=None, format=None, **kw): self.dt = dt = name self._get_object = get_object self._format = format self.model_col = model_col self.model_col_type = None self.js_args = { 'sName': name, 'sTitle': '' if not name else self.dt.req.translate(name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize())} # take the defaults into account: for k, v in self.__kw__.items(): kw.setdefault(k, v) for key, val in kw.items(): if self.dt_name_pattern.match(key): self.js_args[key] = val else: setattr(self, key, val) if not self.model_col: # # model_col was not explicitely passed as keyword parameter # # TODO: fix mechanism to infer model_col for derived classes!) # model_col = getattr(self.dt.model,, None) if model_col and hasattr(, 'columns'): self.model_col = model_col if self.model_col: self.model_col_type =[0].type if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Boolean): if not hasattr(self, 'choices'): self.choices = ['True', 'False'] if not hasattr(self, 'input_size'): self.input_size = 'small' elif isinstance(self.model_col_type, (Float, Integer)): self.js_args.setdefault('sClass', 'right') if not hasattr(self, 'input_size'): self.input_size = 'small'
[docs] def get_obj(self, item): """Get the object for formatting and filtering. .. note:: derived columns with a model_col not on self.dt.model should override this method. """ if getattr(self, '_get_object'): return self._get_object(item) return item
def get_value(self, item): mc = self.model_col val = getattr(self.get_obj(item), if mc else, None) return '' if val is None else val def format_value(self, value): if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Boolean): return '%s' % value if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Float) and isinstance(value, float): return ('%.' + str(getattr(self, 'precision', 2)) + 'f') % value return value # # external API called by DataTable objects: #
[docs] def order(self): """Called when collecting the order by clauses of a datatable's search query.""" return self.model_col
[docs] def search(self, qs): """Called when collecting the filter criteria of a datatable's search query.""" if isinstance(self.model_col_type, (String, Unicode)): if getattr(self, 'choices', None): # make sure select box values match sharp! return self.model_col.__eq__(qs) else: return icontains(self.model_col, qs) if isinstance(self.model_col_type, (Float, Integer)): return filter_number(self.model_col, qs) if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Boolean): return self.model_col.__eq__(qs == 'True')
[docs] def format(self, item): """Called when converting the matching result items of a datatable to json.""" if getattr(self, '_format'): return self._format(item) return self.format_value(self.get_value(item))
class ExternalLinkCol(Col): """Format item as external link.""" __kw__ = {'bSearchable': False, 'bSortable': False} def get_attrs(self, item): return {} def format(self, item): url = getattr(self.get_obj(item), 'url', None) return external_link(url, **self.get_attrs(item)) if url else '' class PercentCol(Col): """Treat a model col of type float as percentage.""" def search(self, qs): return filter_number(self.model_col, qs, qs_weight=0.01) def format_value(self, value): return '%.0f%%' % (100 * value,) class LinkCol(Col): """Column which renders a link.""" def get_attrs(self, item): return {} def format(self, item): obj = self.get_obj(item) return link(self.dt.req, obj, **self.get_attrs(item)) if obj else '' class IdCol(LinkCol): """Render an ID.""" __kw__ = {'sClass': 'right', 'input_size': 'mini'} def get_attrs(self, item): return {'label': self.get_obj(item).id} def search(self, qs): if self.model_col: return self.model_col.__eq__(qs) class IntegerIdCol(IdCol): """Render a numeric ID.""" __kw__ = {'input_size': 'mini', 'sClass': 'right', 'sTitle': 'No.'} def search(self, qs): return filter_number(as_int(self.model_col), qs, type_=int) def order(self): return as_int(self.model_col) class LinkToMapCol(Col): """Render a button. We use the CLLD.Map.showInfoWindow API function to construct a button to open a popup on the map. """ __kw__ = {'bSearchable': False, 'bSortable': False, 'sTitle': '', 'map_id': 'map'} def format(self, item): obj = self.get_obj(item) if not obj or getattr(obj, 'latitude', None) is None: return '' return HTML.a( icon('icon-globe'), title='show %s on map' % getattr(obj, 'name', ''), href="#" + self.map_id, onclick=JS_CLLD.mapShowInfoWindow(self.map_id,, class_='btn', ) class DetailsRowLinkCol(Col): """Render a button to open a details row on the fly. .. seealso:: """ __kw__ = { 'bSearchable': False, 'bSortable': False, 'sClass': 'center', 'sType': 'html', 'sTitle': 'Details', 'button_text': 'more', } def format(self, item): return button( self.button_text, href=self.dt.req.resource_url(self.get_obj(item), ext='snippet.html'), title="show details", class_="btn-info details", tag=HTML.button) class RefsCol(Col): """Column listing linked sources.""" __kw__ = dict(bSearchable=False, bSortable=False) def format(self, item): vs = self.get_obj(item) return ', '.join( nfilter([getattr(vs, 'source'), linked_references(self.dt.req, vs)])) class Toolbar(DownloadWidget): def get_options(self): return {'doc_position': 'left'} def doc(self): items = [] for col in self.ctx.cols: dsc = col.js_args.get('sDescription') if dsc: items.extend([HTML.dt(col.js_args['sTitle']), HTML.dd(dsc)]) return HTML.dl( HTML.p( 'Columns containing numeric data may be filtered giving upper or lower ' 'bounds in the form "<5" or ranges in the form "-2..20".'), self.ctx.options.get('sDescription', ''), *items)
[docs]@implementer(IDataTable) class DataTable(Component): """ DataTables are used to manage selections of instances of one model class. Often datatables are used to display only a pre-filtered set of items which are related to some other entity in the system. This scenario is supported as follows: For each model class listed in :py:attr:`clld.web.datatables.base.DataTable.__constraints__` an appropriate object specified either by keyword parameter or as request parameter will be looked up at datatable initialization, and placed into a datatable attribute named after the model class in lowercase. These attributes will be used when creating the URL for the data request, to make sure the same pre-filtering is applied. .. note:: The actual filtering has to be done in a custom implementation of :py:meth:`clld.web.datatables.base.DataTable.base_query`. """ __template__ = 'clld:web/templates/datatable.mako' __constraints__ = []
[docs] def __init__(self, req, model, eid=None, **kw): """Initialize. :param req: request object. :param model: mapper class, instances of this class will be the rows in the table. :param eid: HTML element id that will be assigned to this data table. """ self.model = model self.req = req self.eid = eid or self.__class__.__name__ self.count_all = None self.count_filtered = None self.filters = [] self._toolbar = Toolbar( req, self, model(), JSDataTable.current_url(self.eid, '%s'), IIndex) for _model in self.__constraints__: attr = self.attr_from_constraint(_model) if kw.get(attr): setattr(self, attr, kw[attr]) elif attr in req.params: setattr(self, attr, _model.get(req.params[attr], default=None)) else: setattr(self, attr, None)
@staticmethod def attr_from_constraint(model): return model.__name__.lower() def __unicode__(self): return '%ss' % self.model.__name__ def __repr__(self): return '%ss' % self.model.__name__
[docs] def col_defs(self): """Must be implemented by derived classes. :return: list of instances of :py:class:`clld.web.datatables.base.Col`. """ return [LinkCol(self, 'name')]
@cached_property() def cols(self): return self.col_defs()
[docs] def xhr_query(self): """Get additional URL parameters for XHR. :return: a mapping to be passed as query parameters to the server when requesting\ table data via xhr. """ res = {} for _model in self.__constraints__: attr = self.attr_from_constraint(_model) if getattr(self, attr): res[attr] = getattr(self, attr).id return res
def get_default_options(self): query_params = {} query_params.update(self.req.query_params) query_params.update(self.xhr_query() or {}) try: data_url = self.req.route_url( '%ss' % self.model.__name__.lower(), _query=query_params) except KeyError: interface = list(implementedBy(self.model))[0] data_url = self.req.route_url( '%ss' % interface.__name__.lower()[1:], _query=query_params) return { 'bServerSide': True, 'bProcessing': True, "sDom": "<'dt-before-table row-fluid'<'span4'i><'span6'p><'span2'f<'" + self.eid + "-toolbar'>>r>t<'span4'i><'span6'p>", "bAutoWidth": False, "sPaginationType": "bootstrap", "aoColumns": [col.js_args for col in self.cols], "iDisplayLength": 100, "aLengthMenu": [[50, 100, 200], [50, 100, 200]], 'sAjaxSource': data_url, } def __json__(self, req=None): return dict(columns=[col.js_args for col in self.cols]) def db_model(self): return self.model
[docs] def base_query(self, query): """Custom DataTables can overwrite this method to add joins, or apply filters. :return: ``sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query`` instance. """ return query
def default_order(self): return self.db_model().pk def get_query(self, limit=1000, offset=0, undefer_cols=()): query = self.base_query( DBSession.query(self.db_model()).filter(self.db_model().active == True)) self.count_all = query.count() _filters = [] for name, val in self.req.params.items(): if val and name.startswith('sSearch_'): try: colindex = int(name.split('_')[1]) col = self.cols[colindex] clauses = except (ValueError, IndexError): # pragma: no cover clauses = None if clauses is not None: if not isinstance(clauses, (tuple, list)): clauses = [clauses] for clause in clauses: if clause is not None: query = query.filter(clause) _filters.append((colindex, col.js_args['sTitle'], val)) for colindex, coltitle, qs in sorted(set(_filters)): self.filters.append((coltitle, qs)) self.count_filtered = query.count() try: iSortingCols = int(self.req.params.get('iSortingCols', 0)) except ValueError: iSortingCols = 0 for index in range(iSortingCols): try: col = self.cols[int(self.req.params.get('iSortCol_%s' % index))] except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError): # pragma: no cover continue if col.js_args.get('bSortable', True): orders = col.order() if orders is not None: if not isinstance(orders, (tuple, list)): orders = [orders] for order in orders: if self.req.params.get('sSortDir_%s' % index) == 'desc': order = order.desc() query = query.order_by(order) clauses = self.default_order() if not isinstance(clauses, (list, tuple)): clauses = (clauses,) query = query.order_by(*clauses) if 'iDisplayLength' in self.req.params: # make sure no more than 1000 items can be selected limit = min([int(self.req.params['iDisplayLength']), 1000]) query = query\ .limit(limit if limit != -1 else 1000)\ .offset(int(self.req.params.get('iDisplayStart', offset))) if undefer_cols: query = query.options(*(undefer(c) for c in undefer_cols)) return query def render(self): return Component.render(self) + self._toolbar.js() def toolbar(self): return self._toolbar.render(no_js=True)