Source code for clld.db.models.common

Common models for all clld apps
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date
from itertools import product, groupby

from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

from zope.interface import implementer

from clld.db.meta import Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, DBSession
from clld.db.versioned import Versioned
from clld import interfaces
from clld.util import DeclEnum, cached_property
from clld.lib import bibtex
from clld.lib import coins
from clld.web.util.htmllib import HTML
from clld.web.icon import ORDERED_ICONS

class Config(Base):
    """Model class to allow storage of key-value pairs of configuration data in the
    database. This model is also (ab-)used to implement a mechanism linking database
    objects of all types without enforcing referential intagrity, e.g. to model chains
    of superseding objects, where referred objects may become obsolete themselves.
    key = Column(Unicode)
    value = Column(Unicode)

    gone = '__gone__'

    def replacement_key(model, id_):
        :param model: Model class or instance.
        :param id_: Identifier of a class instance.
        :return: ``str`` representation identifying a database object.
        mapper_name = model if isinstance(model, basestring) else model.mapper_name()
        return '__%s_%s__' % (mapper_name, id_)

    def get_replacement_id(cls, model, id_):
        :return: id of a resource registered as replacement for the specified resource.
        res = DBSession.query(cls.value)\
            .filter(cls.key == cls.replacement_key(model, id_)).first()
        if res:
            return res[0]

    def add_replacement(cls, replaced, replacement, model=None, session=None):
        """Method to register a replacement relation.

        :param replaced: db object or identifier of the object to be replaced.
        :param replacement: db object or identifier of the superseding object.
        :param model: If only an identifier is passed as ``replaced`` or ``replacement``\
        the corresponding model class must be passed as ``model``.
        :param session: Db session the relation is added to.
        session = session or DBSession
        value = getattr(replacement, 'id', replacement) if replacement else cls.gone
            key=cls.replacement_key(model or replaced, getattr(replaced, 'id', replaced)),

[docs]class IdNameDescriptionMixin(object): """Mixin for 'visible' objects, i.e. anything that has to be displayed (to humans or machines); in particular all :doc:`resources` fall into this category. .. note:: Only one of :py:attr:`clld.db.models.common.IdNameDescriptionMixin.description` or :py:attr:`clld.db.models.common.IdNameDescriptionMixin.markup_description` should be supplied, since these are used mutually exclusively. """ #: A ``str`` identifier of an object which can be used for sorting and as part of a #: URL path; thus should be limited to characters valid in URLs, and should not #: contain '.' or '/' since this may trip up route matching. id = Column(String, unique=True) #: A human readable 'identifier' of the object. name = Column(Unicode) #: A description of the object. description = Column(Unicode) #: A description of the object containing HTML markup. markup_description = Column(Unicode) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We augment mapper classes for basic objects using mixins to add the ability # to store arbitrary key-value pairs and files associated with an object. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class FilesMixin(IdNameDescriptionMixin): """This mixin provides a way to associate files with instances of another model class. .. note:: The file itself is not stored in the database but must be created in the filesystem, e.g. using the create method. """ @classmethod def owner_class(cls): return cls.__name__.split('_')[0] #: Ordinal to control sorting of files associated with one db object. ord = Column(Integer, default=1) #: Mime-type of the file content. mime_type = Column(String) @declared_attr def object_pk(cls): return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('' % cls.owner_class().lower())) @property
[docs] def relpath(self): """OS file path of the file relative to the application's file-system directory. """ return os.path.join(self.owner_class().lower(), str(, str(
[docs] def create(self, dir_, content): """Write ``content`` to a file using ``dir_`` as file-system directory. :return: File-system path of the file that was created. """ p = dir_.joinpath(self.relpath) p.dirname().makedirs_p() with open(p, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(content) return p
[docs]class HasFilesMixin(object): """Mixin for model classes which may have associated files. """ @property
[docs] def files(self): """ :return: ``dict`` of associated files keyed by ``id``. """ return dict((, f) for f in self._files)
@declared_attr def _files(cls): return relationship(cls.__name__ + '_files', backref='object')
[docs]class DataMixin(object): """This mixin provides a simple way to attach arbitrary key-value pairs to another model class identified by class name. """ @classmethod def owner_class(cls): return cls.__name__.split('_')[0] key = Column(Unicode) value = Column(Unicode) ord = Column(Integer, default=1) @declared_attr def object_pk(cls): return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('' % cls.owner_class().lower()))
[docs]class HasDataMixin(object): """Adds a convenience method to retrieve the key-value pairs from data as dict. .. note:: It is the responsibility of the programmer to make sure conversion to a ``dict`` makes sense, i.e. the keys in data are actually unique, thus usable as dictionary keys. """
[docs] def datadict(self): """ :return: ``dict`` of associated key-value pairs. """ return dict((d.key, d.value) for d in
@declared_attr def data(cls): return relationship(cls.__name__ + '_data', order_by=cls.__name__ + '_data.ord')
class LanguageSource(Base, Versioned): __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('language_pk', 'source_pk'),) language_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) source_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) def _add_solr_language_info(res, obj): """ :param res: Solr document, i.e. a dict to which new keys will be added. :param obj: object which is searched for language information. :return: mutated dict res """ if getattr(obj, 'language', None): res['language_t'] = obj = obj.language for attr in ['iso_code', 'glottocode']: value = getattr(obj, attr, None) if value: res.update({attr + '_s': value}) return res #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The mapper classes for basic objects of the clld db model are marked as # implementers of the related interface. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Dataset_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Dataset_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IDataset)
[docs]class Dataset(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """Each project (e.g. WALS, APiCS) is regarded as one dataset; thus, each app will have exactly one Dataset object. """ published = Column(Date, publisher_name = Column(Unicode) publisher_place = Column(Unicode) publisher_url = Column(String) license = Column(String, default="") domain = Column(String, nullable=False) contact = Column(String)
[docs] def get_stats(self, resources, **filters): """ :param resources: :param filters: :return: """ res = OrderedDict() for rsc in resources: if != 'combination': query = DBSession.query(rsc.model) if in filters: query = query.filter(filters[]) res[] = query.count() return res
def formatted_editors(self): return ' & '.join(ed.contributor.last_first() for ed in self.editors) def formatted_name(self): return HTML.span(, **{ 'xmlns:dct': "", 'href': "", 'property': "dct:title", 'rel': "dct:type", 'class': 'Dataset'} )
class Language_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Language_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.ILanguage)
[docs]class Language(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """Languages are the main objects of discourse. We attach a geo-coordinate to them to be able to put them on maps. """ #__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name'),) latitude = Column( Float(), CheckConstraint('-90 <= latitude and latitude <= 90')) longitude = Column( Float(), CheckConstraint('-180 <= longitude and longitude <= 180 ')) identifiers = association_proxy('languageidentifier', 'identifier') def get_identifier_objs(self, type_): return [i for i in self.identifiers if i.type == getattr(type_, 'value', type_)] def get_identifier(self, type_): objs = self.get_identifier_objs(type_) if objs: return objs[0].name @property def iso_code(self): return self.get_identifier(IdentifierType.iso) @property def glottocode(self): return self.get_identifier(IdentifierType.glottolog) def __solr__(self, req): res = Base.__solr__(self, req) res['altname_txt'] = [ for i in self.identifiers if i.type == 'name'] return _add_solr_language_info(res, self)
class DomainElement_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class DomainElement_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IDomainElement) class DomainElement(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """DomainElements can be used to model controlled lists of values for a Parameter. """ __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('name', 'parameter_pk'), UniqueConstraint('number', 'parameter_pk')) parameter_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # the number is used to sort domain elements within the domain of one parameter number = Column(Integer) # abbreviated name, e.g. as label for map legends abbr = Column(Unicode) class Parameter_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Parameter_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IParameter)
[docs]class Parameter(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """A measurable attribute of a language. """ __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name'),) domain = relationship( 'DomainElement', backref='parameter', order_by=DomainElement.number)
class CombinationDomainElement(object): def __init__(self, combination, domainelements, icon=None): self.number = tuple(de.number for de in domainelements) = '-'.join(map(str, self.number)) = ' / '.join( for de in domainelements) self.icon = icon self.languages = [] @implementer(interfaces.ICombination) class Combination(object): """A combination of parameters """ delimiter = '_' def __init__(self, *parameters): """ :param parameters: distinct Parameter instances. """ assert len(parameters) < 5 assert len(set(parameters)) == len(parameters) = self.delimiter.join(map(str, [ for p in parameters])) = ' / '.join( for p in parameters) self.parameters = parameters # we keep track of languages with multiple values. self.multiple = [] @classmethod def mapper_name(cls): return str('combination') @classmethod def get(cls, id_, **kw): params = [] for pid in set(id_.split(cls.delimiter)): params.append( DBSession.query(Parameter) .filter( == pid) .options(joinedload_all(Parameter.domain)) .one()) return cls(*params) @cached_property() def domain(self): """ .. note:: This does only work well with parameters which have a discrete domain. """ d = OrderedDict() for i, des in enumerate(product(*[p.domain for p in self.parameters])): cde = CombinationDomainElement( self, des, icon=ORDERED_ICONS[i % len(ORDERED_ICONS)]) d[cde.number] = cde for language, values in groupby( sorted(self.values, key=lambda v: v.valueset.language_pk), lambda i: i.valueset.language, ): # values may contain multiple values for the same parameter, so we have to # group those, too. values_by_parameter = OrderedDict() for p in self.parameters: values_by_parameter[] = [] for v in values: values_by_parameter[v.valueset.parameter_pk].append(v) for i, cv in enumerate(product(*values_by_parameter.values())): d[tuple(v.domainelement.number for v in cv)].languages.append(language) if i > 0: # a language with multiple values, store a reference. self.multiple.append(language) self.multiple = set(self.multiple) return d.values() @cached_property() def values(self): def _filter(query, operation): q = query.filter( == self.parameters[0].pk) return getattr(q, operation)( *[query.filter( == for p in self.parameters[1:]]) # determine relevant languages, i.e. languages having a value for all parameters: languages = _filter( DBSession.query(, 'intersect').subquery() # value query: return _filter( DBSession.query(Value) .join(Value.valueset) .join(ValueSet.parameter) .filter(ValueSet.language_pk.in_(languages)) .options( joinedload_all(Value.domainelement), joinedload_all(Value.valueset, ValueSet.language)), 'union').all() class Source_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Source_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.ISource)
[docs]class Source(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """A bibliographic record, cited as source for some statement. """ glottolog_id = Column(String) google_book_search_id = Column(String) # # BibTeX fields: # bibtex_type = Column(bibtex.EntryType.db_type()) author = Column(Unicode) year = Column(Unicode) title = Column(Unicode) type = Column(Unicode) booktitle = Column(Unicode) editor = Column(Unicode) pages = Column(Unicode) edition = Column(Unicode) journal = Column(Unicode) school = Column(Unicode) address = Column(Unicode) url = Column(Unicode) note = Column(Unicode) number = Column(Unicode) series = Column(Unicode) volume = Column(Unicode) publisher = Column(Unicode) organization = Column(Unicode) chapter = Column(Unicode) howpublished = Column(Unicode) # typed information we might want to use for searching or sorting: year_int = Column(Integer) startpage_int = Column(Integer) pages_int = Column(Integer) languages = relationship( Language, backref='sources', secondary=LanguageSource.__table__) @property def gbs_identifier(self): if not self.jsondata or not self.jsondata.get('gbs'): return if not self.jsondata['gbs']['volumeInfo'].get('industryIdentifiers'): return id_ = None for identifier in self.jsondata['gbs']['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers']: # prefer ISBN_13 over ISBN_10 over anything else if identifier['type'] == 'ISBN_13': id_ = 'ISBN:' + identifier['identifier'] if identifier['type'] == 'ISBN_10' and not id_: id_ = 'ISBN:' + identifier['identifier'] if not id_: # grab the last one in the list (most probably the only one!) id_ = identifier['identifier'] return id_ def __bibtex__(self): return {} def bibtex(self): exclude = ['gbs', 'glottolog_ref_id'] kw = {k: self.jsondatadict[k] for k in self.jsondatadict if not k in exclude} kw.update(self.__bibtex__()) return bibtex.Record.from_object(self, **kw) def coins(self, req): return HTML.span( ' ', **coins.ContextObject.from_bibtex(, self.bibtex()).span_attrs() )
class Contribution_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Contribution_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IContribution)
[docs]class Contribution(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """A set of data contributed within the same context by the same set of contributors. """ __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name'),) date = Column(Date) @property def primary_contributors(self): return [assoc.contributor for assoc in sorted(self.contributor_assocs, key=lambda a: (a.ord, if assoc.primary] @property def secondary_contributors(self): return [assoc.contributor for assoc in sorted(self.contributor_assocs, key=lambda a: (a.ord, if not assoc.primary] def formatted_contributors(self): contribs = [' and '.join( for c in self.primary_contributors)] if self.secondary_contributors: contribs.append(' and '.join( for c in self.secondary_contributors)) return ' with '.join(contribs)
class ValueSet_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class ValueSet_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IValueSet)
[docs]class ValueSet(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """The intersection of Language and Parameter. """ language_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) parameter_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) contribution_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) source = Column(Unicode) parameter = relationship('Parameter', backref='valuesets') @declared_attr def contribution(cls): return relationship( 'Contribution', backref=backref('valuesets', order_by=cls.parameter_pk)) @declared_attr def language(cls): return relationship( 'Language', backref=backref('valuesets', order_by=cls.language_pk)) @property def name(self): return + ' / ' +
class Value_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Value_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IValue)
[docs]class Value(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """A measurement of a parameter for a particular language. """ # we must override the pk col declaration from Base to have it available for ordering. pk = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) valueset_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # Values may be taken from a domain. domainelement_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # Languages may have multiple values for the same parameter. Their relative # frequency can be stored here. frequency = Column(Float) confidence = Column(Unicode) domainelement = relationship('DomainElement', backref='values') @declared_attr def valueset(cls): return relationship( ValueSet, backref=backref( 'values', order_by=[desc(cls.frequency), cls.confidence,])) def __json__(self, req): res = Base.__json__(self, req) res['domainelement'] = self.domainelement.__json__(req) \ if self.domainelement else None res['valueset'] = self.valueset.__json__(req) return res def __unicode__(self): return if self.domainelement else or
class Contributor_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Contributor_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IContributor)
[docs]class Contributor(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """Creator of a contribution. """ __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name'),) url = Column(Unicode()) email = Column(String) address = Column(Unicode)
[docs] def last_first(self): """ad hoc - possibly incorrect - way of formatting the name as "last, first" """ parts = ( or '').split() return '' if not parts else ', '.join([parts[-1], ' '.join(parts[:-1])])
class Sentence_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Sentence_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.ISentence) class Sentence(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """Sentence of a language serving as example for some statement. """ #: Inherited from IdNameDescriptionMixin: #: name: The text of the sentence in object language #: description: A translation of the sentence analyzed = Column(Unicode) gloss = Column(Unicode) type = Column(Unicode) source = Column(Unicode) comment = Column(Unicode) original_script = Column(Unicode) xhtml = Column(Unicode) #: The following columns store data which contains markup and should be looked at #: first, when rendering a sentence: markup_text = Column(Unicode) markup_analyzed = Column(Unicode) markup_gloss = Column(Unicode) markup_comment = Column(Unicode) language_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) @declared_attr def language(cls): return relationship( 'Language', backref=backref('sentences', order_by=cls.language_pk)) def __solr__(self, req): return _add_solr_language_info(Base.__solr__(self, req), self) @property def audio(self): for f in self._files: if f.mime_type.split('/')[0] == 'audio': return f class Unit_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class Unit_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IUnit)
[docs]class Unit(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """A linguistic unit of a language. """ language_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) language = relationship(Language) def __solr__(self, req): return _add_solr_language_info(Base.__solr__(self, req), self)
class UnitDomainElement_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class UnitDomainElement_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IUnitDomainElement) class UnitDomainElement(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): unitparameter_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) ord = Column(Integer) # do we need a numeric value for these? class UnitParameter_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class UnitParameter_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IUnitParameter)
[docs]class UnitParameter(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): """A measurable attribute of a unit. """ domain = relationship( 'UnitDomainElement', backref='parameter',
class UnitValue_data(Base, Versioned, DataMixin): pass class UnitValue_files(Base, Versioned, FilesMixin): pass @implementer(interfaces.IUnitValue)
[docs]class UnitValue(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin, HasDataMixin, HasFilesMixin): unit_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) unitparameter_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) contribution_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # Values may be taken from a domain. unitdomainelement_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # Languages may have multiple values for the same parameter. Their relative # frequency can be stored here. frequency = Column(Float) unitparameter = relationship('UnitParameter', backref='unitvalues') unitdomainelement = relationship('UnitDomainElement', backref='unitvalues') contribution = relationship('Contribution', backref='unitvalues') @declared_attr def unit(cls): return relationship('Unit', backref=backref('unitvalues', order_by=cls.unit_pk)) @validates('unitparameter_pk')
[docs] def validate_parameter_pk(self, key, unitparameter_pk): """We have to make sure, the parameter a value is tied to and the parameter a possible domainelement is tied to stay in sync. """ if self.unitdomainelement and self.unitdomainelement.unitparameter_pk: assert self.unitdomainelement.unitparameter_pk == unitparameter_pk return unitparameter_pk
def __unicode__(self): return \ if self.unitdomainelement else or #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-core mappers and association tables #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GlossAbbreviation(Base, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin): __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('id', 'language_pk'),) language_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) language = relationship(Language, backref="gloss_abbreviations") class IdentifierType(DeclEnum): iso = 'iso639-3', 'ISO 639-3', \ '{}' wals = 'wals', 'WALS Code', '{}' glottolog = 'glottolog', 'Glottocode', \ '{}' ethnologue = 'ethnologue', 'Ethnologue', '{}' class Identifier(Base, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin): """We want to be able to link languages to languages in other systems. Thus, we store identifiers of various types like 'wals', 'iso639-3', 'glottolog'. But we might as well just store alternative names for languages. """ __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'type', 'description'),) id = Column(String) type = Column(String) lang = Column(String(3), default='en') def url(self): try: return IdentifierType.from_string(self.type).args[0].format(self) except ValueError: return class LanguageIdentifier(Base, Versioned): """Languages are linked to identifiers with an optional description of this linkage, e.g. 'is dialect of'. """ language_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) identifier_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) description = Column(Unicode) identifier = relationship(Identifier) language = relationship( Language, backref=backref("languageidentifier", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) # # Several objects can be linked to sources, i.e. they can have references. # class HasSourceMixin(object): key = Column(Unicode) # the citation key, specific (and unique) within a contribution description = Column(Unicode) # e.g. page numbers. @declared_attr def source_pk(cls): return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) @declared_attr def source(cls): return relationship(Source, backref=cls.__name__.lower() + 's') class SentenceReference(Base, Versioned, HasSourceMixin): """ """ sentence_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) sentence = relationship(Sentence, backref="references") class ContributionReference(Base, Versioned, HasSourceMixin): """ """ contribution_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) contribution = relationship(Contribution, backref="references") class ValueSetReference(Base, Versioned, HasSourceMixin): """References for a set of values (related to one parameter and one language). These references can be interpreted as justifications why a language does not "have" certain values for a parameter, too. """ valueset_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) valueset = relationship(ValueSet, backref="references") class ContributionContributor(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned): """Many-to-many association between contributors and contributions """ contribution_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) contributor_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # contributors are ordered. ord = Column(Integer, default=1) # we distinguish between primary and secondary (a.k.a. 'with ...') contributors. primary = Column(Boolean, default=True) contribution = relationship(Contribution, backref='contributor_assocs') contributor = relationship(Contributor, lazy=False, backref='contribution_assocs') class Editor(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned): """Many-to-many association between contributors and dataset """ dataset_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) contributor_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # contributors are ordered. ord = Column(Integer, default=1) # we distinguish between primary and secondary (a.k.a. 'with ...') contributors. primary = Column(Boolean, default=True) contributor = relationship(Contributor, lazy=False) @declared_attr def dataset(cls): return relationship( Dataset, backref=backref( 'editors', order_by=[cls.primary, cls.ord], lazy=False)) class ValueSentence(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned): """Many-to-many association between values and sentences given as explanation of a value. """ value_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) sentence_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) description = Column(Unicode()) value = relationship(Value, backref='sentence_assocs') sentence = relationship(Sentence, backref='value_assocs', # # TODO: UnitValueSentence! # class UnitParameterUnit(Base, PolymorphicBaseMixin, Versioned, IdNameDescriptionMixin): unit_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) unitparameter_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) unit = relationship(Unit, backref='unitparameter_assocs') unitparameter = relationship(UnitParameter, backref='unit_assocs')