Source code for clld.web.datatables.base

This module provides base classes to compose DataTables.

I.e. objects which have a double
nature: On the client they provide the information to instantiate a jquery DataTables
object. Server side they know how to provide the data to the client-side table.
import re
import typing
import functools

from markupsafe import Markup
from sqlalchemy.orm import undefer
from sqlalchemy.types import String, Unicode, Float, Integer, Boolean
from zope.interface import implementer, implementedBy
from clldutils.misc import nfilter
from pyramid.request import Request

from clld.db.meta import DBSession, Base
from clld.db.util import icontains, as_int
from clld.web.util.htmllib import HTML, literal
from clld.web.util.helpers import (
    link, button, icon, JS_CLLD, external_link, linked_references, JSDataTable,
from clld.web.util.component import Component
from clld.interfaces import IDataTable, IIndex

OPERATOR_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<op>>=?|<=?|==?)\s*')


def type_coerce(type_, value, fallback):
    """Return type_(value), on ValueError return fallback."""
    # turn user parameters into int/float where there is no try/except already
        return type_(value)
    except ValueError:
        return fallback

def filter_number(col, qs, type_=None, qs_weight=1):
    """Extended filter operators for numbers.

    :param col: an sqlalchemy column instance.
    :param qs: a string, providing a filter criterion.
    :return: sqlalchemy filter expression.
    if '..' in qs:
        min_, max_ = qs.split('..', 1)
        # We only support a single range!
        max_ = max_.split('..')[0]
        return (
            filter_number(col, '>=' + min_, type_=type_, qs_weight=qs_weight),
            filter_number(col, '<=' + max_, type_=type_, qs_weight=qs_weight))
    op = col.__eq__
    match = OPERATOR_PATTERN.match(qs)
    if match:
        op = {
            '>': col.__gt__,
            '>=': col.__ge__,
            '=': col.__eq__,
            '==': col.__eq__,
            '<': col.__lt__,
            '<=': col.__le__,
        }.get('op'), col.__eq__)
        qs = qs[match.end():]
        if type_:
            qs = type_(qs.strip())
            if isinstance([0].type, Float):
                qs = float(qs.strip()) * qs_weight
            if isinstance([0].type, Integer):
                qs = int(qs.strip()) * qs_weight
        return op(qs)
    except ValueError:  # pragma: no cover
        # if we cannot form a proper filter argument, we return None

[docs]class Col(object): """DataTables are basically a list of column specifications. A column in a DataTable typically corresponds to a column of an sqlalchemy model. This column can either be supplied directly via a model_col keyword argument, or we try to look it up as attribute with name "name" on self.dt.model. """ dt_name_pattern = re.compile('[a-z]+[A-Z]+[a-z]+') # convenient way to provide defaults for some kw arguments of __init__: __kw__ = {} def __init__(self, dt, name, get_object=None, model_col=None, format=None, **kw): """ :param kw: Camel-cased keywords with type prefix are made available to JS. Recognized \ keywords are \ - `sDescription`: Description of the column, possibly using HTML,\ - `bSearchable`\ - `bSortable` - """ self.dt = dt = name self._get_object = get_object self._format = format self.model_col = model_col self.model_col_type = None self.js_args = { 'sName': name, 'sTitle': '' if not name else self.dt.req.translate(name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize())} # take the defaults into account: for k, v in self.__kw__.items(): kw.setdefault(k, v) for key, val in kw.items(): if self.dt_name_pattern.match(key): self.js_args[key] = val else: setattr(self, key, val) if not self.model_col: # # model_col was not explicitly passed as keyword parameter # # TODO: fix mechanism to infer model_col for derived classes!) # model_col = getattr(self.dt.model,, None) if model_col and hasattr(, 'columns'): self.model_col = model_col if self.model_col: self.model_col_type =[0].type if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Boolean): if not hasattr(self, 'choices'): self.choices = ['True', 'False'] if not hasattr(self, 'input_size'): self.input_size = 'small' elif isinstance(self.model_col_type, (Float, Integer)): self.js_args.setdefault('sClass', 'right') if not hasattr(self, 'input_size'): self.input_size = 'small'
[docs] def get_obj(self, item): """Get the object for formatting and filtering. .. note:: derived columns with a model_col not on self.dt.model should override this method. """ if getattr(self, '_get_object'): return self._get_object(item) return item
def get_value(self, item): mc = self.model_col val = getattr(self.get_obj(item), if mc else, None) return '' if val is None else val def format_value(self, value): if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Boolean): return '%s' % value if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Float) and isinstance(value, float): return ('%.' + str(getattr(self, 'precision', 2)) + 'f') % value return value # # external API called by DataTable objects: #
[docs] def order(self): """Called when collecting the order by clauses of a datatable's search query.""" return self.model_col
[docs] def search(self, qs): """Called when collecting the filter criteria of a datatable's search query.""" if isinstance(self.model_col_type, (String, Unicode)): if getattr(self, 'choices', None): # make sure select box values match sharp! return self.model_col.__eq__(qs) else: return icontains(self.model_col, qs) if isinstance(self.model_col_type, (Float, Integer)): return filter_number(self.model_col, qs) if isinstance(self.model_col_type, Boolean): return self.model_col.__eq__(qs == 'True')
[docs] def format(self, item): """Called when converting the matching result items of a datatable to json.""" if getattr(self, '_format'): return self._format(item) return self.format_value(self.get_value(item))
class ExternalLinkCol(Col): """Format item as external link.""" __kw__ = {'bSearchable': False, 'bSortable': False} def get_attrs(self, item): return {} def format(self, item): url = getattr(self.get_obj(item), 'url', None) return external_link(url, **self.get_attrs(item)) if url else '' class PercentCol(Col): """Treat a model col of type float as percentage.""" def search(self, qs): return filter_number(self.model_col, qs, qs_weight=0.01) def format_value(self, value): return '%.0f%%' % (100 * value,) class LinkCol(Col): """Column which renders a link.""" def get_attrs(self, item): return {} def format(self, item): obj = self.get_obj(item) return link(self.dt.req, obj, **self.get_attrs(item)) if obj else '' class IdCol(LinkCol): """Render an ID.""" __kw__ = {'sClass': 'right', 'input_size': 'mini'} def get_attrs(self, item): return {'label': self.get_obj(item).id} def search(self, qs): if self.model_col: return self.model_col.__eq__(qs) class IntegerIdCol(IdCol): """Render a numeric ID.""" __kw__ = {'input_size': 'mini', 'sClass': 'right', 'sTitle': 'No.'} def search(self, qs): return filter_number(as_int(self.model_col), qs, type_=int) def order(self): return as_int(self.model_col) class LinkToMapCol(Col): """Render a button. We use the CLLD.Map.showInfoWindow API function to construct a button to open a popup on the map. """ __kw__ = {'bSearchable': False, 'bSortable': False, 'sTitle': '', 'map_id': 'map'} def format(self, item): obj = self.get_obj(item) if not obj or getattr(obj, 'latitude', None) is None: return '' return HTML.a( icon('icon-globe'), title='show %s on map' % getattr(obj, 'name', ''), href="#" + self.map_id, onclick=JS_CLLD.mapShowInfoWindow(self.map_id,, class_='btn', ) class DetailsRowLinkCol(Col): """Render a button to open a details row on the fly. .. seealso:: """ __kw__ = { 'bSearchable': False, 'bSortable': False, 'sClass': 'center', 'sType': 'html', 'sTitle': 'Details', 'button_text': 'more', } def format(self, item): return button( self.button_text, href=self.dt.req.resource_url(self.get_obj(item), ext='snippet.html'), title="show details", class_="btn-info details", tag=HTML.button) class RefsCol(Col): """Column listing linked sources.""" __kw__ = dict(bSearchable=False, bSortable=False) def format(self, item): vs = self.get_obj(item) return ', '.join( nfilter([getattr(vs, 'source', None), linked_references(self.dt.req, vs)])) class Toolbar(Component): def __init__(self, req, ctx, obj, dl_url_tmpl, interface, **kw): self.req = req self.ctx = ctx self.obj = obj self.dl_url_tmpl = dl_url_tmpl self.interface = interface self.dl_formats = kw.pop('dl_formats', {}) kw.setdefault('doc_position', 'right') kw.setdefault('exclude', ['html', 'snippet.html']) self._kw = kw self._opener_class = 'dl-widget-%s' % self.interface.__name__ self._id_prefix = 'dt-dl-' if IDataTable.providedBy(ctx) else 'rsc-dl-' def get_options(self): return {'doc_position': 'left'} def get_default_options(self): return self._kw def js(self): return Markup(HTML.script(literal("""\ $(document).ready(function() { $('.%s').clickover({ html: true, title: 'Column information', placement: '%s', trigger: 'click' }); });""" % (self._opener_class, self.options['doc_position'])))) def doc(self): items = [] for col in self.ctx.cols: dsc = col.js_args.get('sDescription') if dsc: items.extend([HTML.dt(col.js_args['sTitle']), HTML.dd(literal(dsc))]) return HTML.dl( HTML.p( 'Columns containing numeric data may be filtered giving an upper and/or lower ' 'bound in the form "<5" or a range in the form "-2..20".'), self.ctx.options.get('sDescription', ''), *items) def render(self, no_js=False): doc = HTML.div(self.doc()) buttons = [HTML.button( HTML.i(class_='icon-info-sign icon-white'), class_='btn btn-info %s' % self._opener_class, **{'data-content': str(doc), 'type': 'button'})] for ext, label in self.dl_formats.items(): buttons.append(HTML.button( label, class_='btn', id='{}-{}-download'.format(self.ctx.eid, ext), href='#', tite="Download items in the table formatted as {}.".format(label), onclick="document.location.href = {}; " "return false;".format(self.dl_url_tmpl % ext) )) res = HTML.div(*buttons, **{'class': 'btn-group' if len(buttons) > 1 else ''}) if no_js: return res return HTML.div(res, self.js()) # pragma: no cover
[docs]@implementer(IDataTable) class DataTable(Component): """ DataTables are used to manage selections of instances of one model class. Often datatables are used to display only a pre-filtered set of items which are related to some other entity in the system. This scenario is supported as follows: For each model class listed in :py:attr:`clld.web.datatables.base.DataTable.__constraints__` an appropriate object specified either by keyword parameter or as request parameter will be looked up at datatable initialization, and placed into a datatable attribute named after the model class in lowercase. These attributes will be used when creating the URL for the data request, to make sure the same pre-filtering is applied. .. note:: The actual filtering has to be done in a custom implementation of :py:meth:`clld.web.datatables.base.DataTable.base_query`. Items in a table may have standard representations other than tabular data - e.g. sources may be more useful as BibTeX records. If so, and the custom serialization is registered as adapter for the model class, DataTables can provide access to the currently filtered items in this custom format through a download button. This can be configured by adding a key `dl_formats` to :attr:`clld.web.datatables.base.DataTable.__toolbar_kw__` specifying a `dict` mapping registered `extension` strings to labels for the download button. """ __template__ = 'clld:web/templates/datatable.mako' __constraints__ = [] __toolbar_kw__ = {}
[docs] def __init__( self, req: Request, model: typing.Type[Base], eid: typing.Optional[str] = None, **kw): """ :param req: request object. :param model: mapper class, instances of this class will be the rows in the table. :param eid: HTML element id that will be assigned to this data table. """ self.model = model self.req = req self.eid = eid or self.__class__.__name__ self.count_all = None self.count_filtered = None self.filters = [] self._toolbar = Toolbar( req, self, model(), JSDataTable.current_url(self.eid, '%s'), IIndex, **self.__toolbar_kw__ or {}) for _model in self.__constraints__: attr = self.attr_from_constraint(_model) if kw.get(attr): setattr(self, attr, kw[attr]) elif attr in req.params: setattr(self, attr, _model.get(req.params[attr], default=None)) else: setattr(self, attr, None)
@staticmethod def attr_from_constraint(model): return model.__name__.lower()
[docs] def __str__(self): return '%ss' % self.model.__name__
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%ss' % self.model.__name__
[docs] def col_defs(self): """Must be implemented by derived classes. :return: list of instances of :py:class:`clld.web.datatables.base.Col`. """ return [LinkCol(self, 'name')]
@functools.cached_property def cols(self): return self.col_defs()
[docs] def xhr_query(self): """Get additional URL parameters for XHR. :return: a mapping to be passed as query parameters to the server when requesting\ table data via xhr. """ res = {} for _model in self.__constraints__: attr = self.attr_from_constraint(_model) if getattr(self, attr): res[attr] = getattr(self, attr).id return res
[docs] def get_default_options(self): query_params = {} query_params.update(self.req.query_params) query_params.update(self.xhr_query() or {}) try: data_url = self.req.route_url( '%ss' % self.model.__name__.lower(), _query=query_params) except KeyError: interface = list(implementedBy(self.model))[0] data_url = self.req.route_url( '%ss' % interface.__name__.lower()[1:], _query=query_params) return { "language": { "paginate": { "next": self.req.translate("Next"), "previous": self.req.translate("Previous"), "first": self.req.translate("First"), "last": self.req.translate("Last"), }, "emptyTable": self.req.translate("No data available in table"), "info": self.req.translate("Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries"), "infoEmpty": self.req.translate("Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries"), "infoFiltered": self.req.translate("(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)"), "lengthMenu": self.req.translate("Show _MENU_ entries"), "loadingRecords": self.req.translate("Loading..."), "processing": self.req.translate("Processing..."), "search": self.req.translate("Search:"), "zeroRecords": self.req.translate("No matching records found"), }, 'bServerSide': True, 'bProcessing': True, "sDom": "<'dt-before-table row-fluid'<'span4'i><'span6'p><'span2'f<'" + self.eid + "-toolbar'>>r>t<'span4'i><'span6'p>", "bAutoWidth": False, "sPaginationType": "bootstrap", "aoColumns": [col.js_args for col in self.cols], "iDisplayLength": DISPLAY_LENGTH, "aLengthMenu": [[50, 100, 200], [50, 100, 200]], 'sAjaxSource': data_url, }
def db_model(self): return self.model
[docs] def base_query(self, query): """Custom DataTables can overwrite this method to add joins, or apply filters. :return: ``sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query`` instance. """ return query
[docs] def rdf_index_query(self, query): """Custom DataTables can overwrite this method to apply filters. They should however, not add any performance overhead like joins or joinedload options. """ return query
def default_order(self): return self.db_model().pk def get_query(self, limit=DISPLAY_LIMIT, offset=0, undefer_cols=()): query = self.base_query( DBSession.query(self.db_model()).filter(self.db_model().active == True)) self.count_all = query.count() _filters = [] for name, val in self.req.params.items(): if val and name.startswith('sSearch_'): try: colindex = int(name.split('_')[1]) col = self.cols[colindex] clauses = except (ValueError, IndexError): # pragma: no cover clauses = None if clauses is not None: if not isinstance(clauses, (tuple, list)): clauses = [clauses] for clause in clauses: if clause is not None: query = query.filter(clause) _filters.append((colindex, col.js_args['sTitle'], val)) for colindex, coltitle, qs in sorted(set(_filters)): self.filters.append((coltitle, qs)) self.count_filtered = query.count() iSortingCols = type_coerce(int, self.req.params.get('iSortingCols', 0), 0) for index in range(min(iSortingCols, 10)): try: col = self.cols[int(self.req.params.get('iSortCol_%s' % index))] except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError): # pragma: no cover continue if col.js_args.get('bSortable', True): orders = col.order() if orders is not None: if not isinstance(orders, (tuple, list)): orders = [orders] for order in orders: if self.req.params.get('sSortDir_%s' % index) == 'desc': order = order.desc() query = query.order_by(order) clauses = self.default_order() if not isinstance(clauses, (list, tuple)): clauses = (clauses,) query = query.order_by(*clauses) if 'iDisplayLength' in self.req.params: limit = type_coerce(int, self.req.params['iDisplayLength'], DISPLAY_LENGTH) # make sure no more than DISPLAY_LIMIT items can be selected limit = min(limit, DISPLAY_LIMIT) query = query\ .limit(DISPLAY_LIMIT if limit == -1 else limit)\ .offset(type_coerce(int, self.req.params.get('iDisplayStart', offset), offset)) if undefer_cols: query = query.options(*(undefer(c) for c in undefer_cols)) return query def render(self): return Component.render(self) + self._toolbar.js() def toolbar(self): return self._toolbar.render(no_js=True)